Be Smooth!

Smoothi - choc peanut

Share some of your favourite Smoothie Recipes and win a Go-Figure Hamper

Summer or winter, we love our smoothies and shakes.  Having written our very first blog about our son Aiden who has concentration problems, I thought I would share some of our favourite family recipes but I would love to hear from you too so please send in those recipes.

Banana Peanut Morning Glory (serves 4)

1 x frozen banana (peel the bananas and put them in the freezer – useful and yummy)

1 x dessert spoon of unsweetened peanut butter

1 x litre of cold full fat milk (or plain water) – or add to the consistency you like

4 x 25g scoops of shake (Chocolate or Vanilla are best)

Blend and serve (You can also add in a handful of flaked almonds to give added texture and crunch).

Fruit Fantasia (serves 4)

200g frozen strawberries or raspberries or berry combination

4 x 25g scoops of Strawberry shake

1 x litre of full fat milk (or plain water) – or add to the consistency you like

Blend and serve – for an extra smooth ride, add crushed ice and blend

Pack a Punch (serves 4)

handful flaked almonds (raw)

1 red apple (de-seeded and chopped)

1 x frozen banana

250ml low fat Greek or Bulgarian yoghurt

500ml low fat milkl or water

3 x scoops of Vanilla shake powder

1 x teaspoon Cinnamon

Blend and serve

Flax Fix (serves 4)

750ml milk (soy, full cream, skim or whatever you desire)

250ml Plain low fat yoghurt

250ml frozen berries of choice

3 x scoops Go Figure shake powder

2 Tbsp cold pressed Flax Oil

Blend all ingredients together – some say to add the flax oil in last but I just mix it all together – yummy, filling and slimming all in one.


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