It’s winter in South Africa and it’s a great time to settle down to comfort food and negate all the hard work you put in over the summertime to achieve that fabulous figure. Does this sound familiar?
I know this usually affects me and some of my family. Bu this year, we are going to try something a little different.
Flaming Phat – while it is designed as a metabolism booster and therefore a sizeloss product, it also has the added benefit of increasing endorphins and therefore stimulating a feeling of happiness. It achieves this through gentle, natural ingredients like cinnamon, cloves, ginger etc that act as thermogenics increasing the body temperature to burn fat – safely and slowly. Call it your personal inner heating system.
Winter is a time when many people start to suffer from sadness and depression brought on by darker, gloomier weather and colder environments. Sometimes, that snuggly thick jersey or glass of wine is not enough to fight those moments. As a result we resort to so called comfort food.
Instead of cramming unhealthy carbs in excess into our body, why not try a couple of Flaming Phat capsules instead? I’m not saying cut out the carbs completely – as this is also not healthy – but if you are prone to any form of the above feelings, you may want to consider a different approach this winter which can still include a glass or two of your favourite red wine and a roaring fire.
Keeping your figure, feeling happier, warmer and more content throughout the cold months ahead, could promote better productivity and who knows, a whole new outlook on life.
What have you got to lose……………except the winter fat and a couple of centimeters………
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